Tuesday, August 15, 2006

La Dolce Vita??? My foot!!!

For the uninitiated, La Dolce Vita means "The Sweet Life" in Italian. Nothings sweet about my life now at IIM L (read Hell). Midsems were on last week and we experienced first hand how a rape takes place.
The first exam was the one everyone slogged their a****s off to study - the dreaded Manac (thats what we call Management Accounting out here, though we call the teacher a ***). This jerk comes out with questions that had even a few of our seniors stumped. To top it all off, the *** comes to class and discusses each and every question in the paper with an all knowing Mona Lisa smile. "I knew you people will fall into the trap i set for you. Year after year everybody gets trapped". @#$*!#$. The guy would have orgasmed reading our papers that night.
The other papers were relatively a walk in the park. Left it up to the relative grading now.
2 days after the exams got over and 4 movies down I still haven't got over the manac debacle. Lets see how it goes...

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